Relevant law in wealthy families and tax regimes

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SuscribirmeSpain covers an area of 505,983 square kilometres and has almost 47 million inhabitants, with a population density of 92.7 inhabitants per square kilometre. A total of 5,235,375 foreigners reside in Spain, amounting to 11.1% of the population; and almost 7 million residents in Spain were born abroad.
In 2019, Spain received 83.7 million international tourists, making it the world's second most popular tourist destination after France (and ahead of the United States).
Spain -which joined the European Union in 1986- has a continental law system based on written law, while case law is used for interpretation purposes. EU membership has had a decisive influence on the Spanish legal system, as a substantial part of its commercial law is based on EU law.
Spain’s history, gastronomy, culture, climate, diversity, services and public health system make it a top global destination - whether to visit, to own a holiday home or to become a resident.
Although Spain is perceived as a high-tax jurisdiction, Spanish law aims to encourage and develop international business activities and attract talent. Spain also has an extensive tax treaty network, particularly with Latin American countries (for historical reasons), making it an attractive hub for business.
Capítulo en: Global Mobility of Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals. Global Law and Business, 2021.
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