Cuatrecasas commits to remote working with Cuatrecasas Smart Work program

Spain Portugal International Chile Colombia

Cuatrecasas has implemented the Cuatrecasas Smart Work program, a flexible work arrangement that combines time in the office with remote working.

Cuatrecasas commits to remote working with Cuatrecasas Smart Work program
November 15, 2021

Cuatrecasas has implemented the Cuatrecasas Smart Work program, a flexible work arrangement that combines time in the office with remote working. The new model establishes that staff members work remotely two days a week: always on Fridays and Wednesdays. The system operates using full working days.

The program—a pioneering initiative in the legal sector that any member of the firm can join voluntarily—is based on distributing the daily tasks, seeking that each of them are carried out at the place where they can be implemented most efficiently. Staff members must concentrate the tasks that they can do individually in the two days of remote working, while meetings with colleagues or clients, training sessions and group dynamics must be programmed for the days they will be in the office. This initiative does not entail a reduction of office space, so staff members will maintain their work stations in the offices.

Cuatrecasas Smart Work is the result of a participatory program aimed at developing a flexible work policy. Representatives from all the firm’s different groups took part in the study, which was developed over the last six months, and which included a staff survey and a study of the technical requirements and possibilities of the headquarters to formulate a new working model.

November 15, 2021