Resolution of April 19, 2024 of the Spanish Markets and Competition Commission seeks to standardize and homogenize the procedure for connecting biomethane generation facilities to the gas grid with the aim of advancing decarbonization. The Resolution entered into force on May 1 and it aims to regulate “the logistical and operational aspects of the connection management procedure,” developing a prompt and agile regulation necessary due to the large number of biomethane injection projects currently being processed.
The publication of the Resolution acts on the mandate established under Royal Decree-Law 14/2022, of August 1, which introduced article 12 bis into Royal Decree 1434/2002, of December 27, section 2 of which requires the CNMC to approve a procedure for managing connections of renewable gas generation plants with the gas grid. It is, however, a partial response, given that the scope of this provision encompasses a broader concept (renewable gases) than the scope covered by the Resolution (biomethane).
Key aspects:
- Operators of transport and distribution grids must set up a web platform to process requests for connection.
- Connection applications will be processed following a time priority criterion.
- The right of connection cannot be transferred to third parties or to a project other than the one for which that right was granted.
- Grid operators may request payment of a capped amount for the costs of drawing up the connection budget quote.