The Schrems II Case: Conclusions of the Advocate General

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The Schrems II Case: Conclusions of the Advocate General

The Schrems II Case: Conclusions of the Advocate General
January 8, 2020

By: Alejandro Negro and Inés Cabañas

The Schrems case marks one of the most talked about privacy cases in Europe in recent years. A new chapter was added a few days ago with the publication of the Advocate General’s Conclusions in Case C-311/18.

In its Decision 200/520, the European Commission ruled that the principles of safe harbor provided in the decision guarantee an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred from the European Union to entities established in the United States. However, after the first case brought by Maximillian Schrems in relation to personal data transferred by Facebook Ireland to Facebook Inc., in the United States, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), declared the decision null in its Judgment of October 6, 2015.


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January 8, 2020