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SubscribeOnce again, Cuatrecasas has been recognized in the latest RepScore® study of brands in Portugal as the second most important and reputable brand in the legal services sector, reaching the same position as in 2023 and rising in the overall scoring.
Since 2009, the RepScore® study conducted by OnStrategy and released on January 26 has been evluating the positioning, emotional and rational reputation levels of more than 2,000 brands in Portugal. According to the consultancy firm, the final report is based on ongoing fieldwork conducted throughout the year, with over 50,000 citizens participating online, in person or by phone. The participants are representative of Portuguese society in terms of geographical distribution, gender, age and education. In the case of law firms, the survey focuses solely on the business segment and collects replies from C-level executives.
The study is conducted annually in accordance with ISO20671 (brand strategy and strength assessment) and ISO10668 (brand financial assessment). Using a 100-point scale, it assesses the attributes associated with a brand’s renown, relevance, consideration, trust, admiration, preference, and recommendation.
The full OnStrategy table can be seen here.
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