The ICSID Enforcement Architecture and Compliance with the International Commitments assumed (...)

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(...) by the US under the ICSID Convention at stake before the USCA D.C. Circuit
The ICSID Enforcement Architecture and Compliance with the International Commitments assumed (...)
1 de noviembre de 2023
The protracted story of ICSID (ECT) awards brought for enforcement to the D.C. Circuit in the US is well known. After withstanding for several years unwarranted stays of enforcement (where the competent ICSID ad hoc committees had previously lifted the provisional stays of enforcement) based on the "inherent powers" doctrine, a long line of ICSID award creditors are now closely scrutinizing the docket of the United States Court of Appeals (USCA) for the D.C. Cir. for news on the appeals of the enforcement cases of 9REN and NextEra.

Spain filed the notices of appeal back in March 2023 and, fast-foward in these consolidated cases, the final briefs were submitted simultaneously on 10 August 2023 by the respective counsel of record. 

See complete article at: ThoughtLeaders4 Disputes Magazine, Special Edition. November, 2023. 

1 de noviembre de 2023